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  • Loredana

    Ce va fi cu iubirea mea → traduction en anglais

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Ce va fi cu iubirea mea

Viaţa ne-a chemat
şi ne-a unit într-o iubire;
suflet bun de-ndrăgostit
ea ne-a dăruit.
Viaţa ne-a chemat cu dor,
ne-a-mbogăţit cu fericire;
drumul ei de noi dorit
atunci l-am găsit
Dar ne-a dat şi îndoiala,
cumpăna, descumpănirea,
zâmbet trist şi gândul la-ntrebări...
Ce va fi cu iubirea mea?
Va muri dorinţa, va trăi speranţa,
oare ce va fi?
Ce va fi cu iubirea mea?
Peste noi răsare
semnul de-ntrebare zi de zi
Viaţa ne-a chemat
şi ne-a şoptit "e vremea noastră",
tot ce-i bun şi ce-i frumos
cu voi veţi avea
Viaţa ne-a chemat cu dor
nespus zburat pe bolta-albastră
şi-am primit aripi de zbor
cât e dragostea
Dar ne-a dat şi duşmănia,
ura grea şi gelozia,
noi duşmani şi veşnice-ntrebări:

What will be with my love?

Life has called us
and united us in a love;
a good lover's soul
she gave us...
Life has called us with longing,
fulfilled us with happiness;
the road that we wished
was found then by us...
But she also gave us the doubt
the turn, the disconcert,
the sad smile and thought of questions...
What will be with my love?
Would the wish die, would the hope live,
what will it be?
What will be with my love?
the question sign is rising
above us day by day
Life has called us
and whispered "it's our time";
all that's good and beautiful
you'll have...
Life has called us with longing
flying in the blue skyway
and we received wings to fly
as long as love is there...
But she also gave us enmity
heavy hatered and jealousy
new enemies and eternal questions:
Loredana: Top 3