La Russie a lancé une guerre honteuse contre l’Ukraine.     Soutenez l’Ukraine !
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If, if you're going, don't leave me anything
Take your laughs, your caresses, and your voice
If you're not coming back, take your look
The one that reminds me that you loved me one day
So many things I didn't tell you, so many that I hid from you
And you leave and you'll leave, leaving here
In your place a great emptiness
And you'll leave, you'll leave like a comet
That goes without a destination
Looking in space what I did not find in my arms
Give me back my light
And rip your words off me
Your promises, your mornings
The won't exist, my tears
That rest on my pillow today
I'll change them for the wound of your absence
So many things I didn't tell you, so many that I hid from you
And you'll leave and you'll leave, leaving here in your place
A great emptiness (a great emptiness)
And you'll leave, you'll leave like a comet that goes
Without a destination (without a destination)
Looking in space what I did not find in my arms
Paroles originales


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