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Смрт Попа Мила Јововића

Смрт, смрт Попа Мила, Попа Мила Јововића
Смрт Попа Мила, Попа Мила Јововића
Смрт Попа Мила, Попа Мила Јововића
У данима кад на Никшић
Црногорци ударише,
Кад бијаху дошли дани
Да не буде турски више,
У Логору црногорском,
Покрај Куле Леповића,
Неко књазу оклевета
Попа Мила Јововића.
А књаз Мила дозиваше
У присуству свих војвода,
Па му рече: "Попе Мило,
Нит' си вино, нит' си вода!"
Кад то чуше Попе Мило
Полеће му к сабљи рука,
А два ока, к'о стријеле,
Сијевнуше у хајдука.
Војводе се уплашише
Од изгледа вука горског,
Да оружје не потегне
На владара црногорског.
Као да му оштрим мачем
Срце мушко расијече,
Па завика: "Господару,
Бог са тобом, шта то рече?!"
Те љутито напуштио
Господара и војводе
И под шатор свој свилени
Са мислима тешким оде.
Па у љутњи гусле зграби,
Одјекнуше танке струне,
Кликну Мило као соко
Те се мајком Ћетном куне
Да ће поћи у град Никшић
Сам, без иког, истог дана,
И на мегдан позват' славног
Мушовића капетана!
Баци гусле, узја' вранца,
Преко Зете пређе воде,
И на хату помамноме
Преко поља граду оде.
Лети вранац низ Растоке
Као да га носе крила,
Но с бедема турска стража
Опазила Попа Мила.
А Поп Мило све је ближе
До Турака и шанаца,
Под собом је заморио
Бијеснога свога вранца.
Као што му доликује,
Бира турске породице,
На најтврђе иде шанце,
На најгоре градске злице!
Па ако би погинуо,
Да погине од јунака,
Од чувених и признатих
Идризових потомака!
Устави га турска стража
На капију код Никшића,
Каза им се и нареди:
"Зовите ми Мушовића!"
Када чуше Турци ко је
Потрчаше капетану,
Мало затим и Мушовић
На капију градску стану.
Па кад виђе Попа Мила
На бијесном вранцу своме
Доласку се изненадном
Обрадова његовоме.
"Откуд јутрос, Јововићу?",
Веселијем гласом рече,
"Зар од књаза црногорског
У мој тврди град утече?
Примамо те објеручке,
Све ћемо ти опростити,
Животу ти, харамбашо,
Вјеруј неће ништа бити!"
Плану Мило: "Доста више!
Не будали без потребе!
Ја сам доша', капетане,
Да на мегдан зовем тебе!
Но се спреми и изађи,
бирај мјесто за мегдана!"
Те ријечи као муња
Погодише капетана.
Преблијеђе пред хајдуком
Из јуначке Марковине,
Јер је знао да од сабље
Његове се лако гине.
Не смије мегдан да прихвати,
Препаде се својој глави,
А на славу и на прошлост
Куће своје заборави.
Већ у страху, кукавички,
Знак на кулу стражи даде,
Јекну плотун са главице,
Поп погођен с коња паде.
Вранац прегну и побјеже
Натраг преко воде Зете,
А на Мила са сабљама
Низ главицу Турци лете.
Па се грабе ко ће прије
Ма'нут сабљом по соколу,
За чије је име чуо
И цар Хамид у Стамболу.
На мртвога Попа стиже
Феризовић Хасан први,
Звизну сабља, глава паде
Уз точену локву крви.
На највећу градску кулу,
Наврх хана Мушовића,
Истакнуше Турци главу
Попа Мила Јововића.
Са стржевог оштрог коца
Гледа Мило са висине,
Како му се Турци зоре
И по граду шенлук чине.
А гавран се – црна птица,
Обрадова изненада,
Кад крваву виђе главу,
Па се вије изнад града.
Примиче се изнад табље
Да на бедем падне тврди,
По старијем навикама
Мушку главу да нагрди.
А кријући – из харема,
Кроз пенџере вире буле,
Да чувену виде главу
Српског попа на врх куле.
Смрт Попа Мила, Попа Мила Јововића
Смрт Попа Мила, Попа Мила Јововића
Смрт Попа Мила, Попа Мила Јововића
Смрт Попа Мила, Попа Мила Јововића

Death of Father Milo Jovović

Death, death of Father Milo, Father Milo Jovović1
Death of Father Milo, Father Milo Jovović
Death of Father Milo, Father Milo Jovović
In the days when Nikšić2
Was attacked by the Montenegrins
When the time had come for it
To be no longer Turkish
In the Montenegrin camp
Near the Leković Tower
A slander was delivered to the Prince3
Against Father Milo Jovović
And the Prince summoned Milo
In the presence of all the Dukes
And said to him, "Father Milo,
You're neither fish nor fowl4
When Father Milo heard this
His hand flew to his sword
And the two eyes, like arrows
Flashed on the hajduk's face5
The Dukes were alarmed
By the look of the mountain wolf
Thinking that he might draw
His weapon on the ruler of Montenegro
As if a sharp blade
Had cut his manly heart in two
He shouted, "My Lord,
God be with you, what are you saying?"
So enraged he left
The Lord and the Dukes
And went off to his silky tent
With heavy thoughts in his mind
In his rage he grabbed his gusle6
The thin strings rang out
Milo cried out like a falcon
And swore on his mother Ćetna
That he would go to the city of Nikšić
Alone, without any help, that same day
And challenge to a duel
The renowned Captain Mušović7
He threw down his gusle and mounted his black horse
Crossed the river Zeta
And on his ferocious stallion
Rode across the fields to the city
The stallion flew down Rastoci8
As if carried on wings
But the Turkish guards on the city walls
Spotted Father Milo
Father Milo is getting ever closer
To the Turks and their trenches
Driving to exhaustion
His fierce black stallion
As it becomes him
He's choosing Turkish families
Attacking the best defended trenches
And the city's worst scoundrels
So that if he is to die
He would be killed by a hero
By the renowned and esteemed
Descendants of Idris
The Turkish guard stopped him
At the gates of Nikšić
He showed himself and ordered them
"Bring me Mušović!"
When the Turks heard this
They ran for the Captain
And a little later Mušović himself
Came to the city gates
And when he saw Father Milo
On his fierce black stallion
His was delighted
By his unexpected arrival
"What brings you this morning, Jovović?"
He said in a delighted voice
"Did you run away from the Montenegrin Prince
to seek refuge in my city?
"We'll accept you with open arms
We'll forgive everything you've done
Your life, harambasha9,
Is safe with us."
But Milo shouted: "That's enough!
Stop being needlessly foolish!
I have come, o Captain
To challenge you to a duel!
"So get ready and come out,
and choose a place for the duel!"
These words like lighting
Struck the captain
His face grew pale before the hajduk
From the heroic Markovina10
Because he knew that it was easy
To die by Milo's sword
He dared not accept the duel
Being scared for his life
And he forgot
The fame and history of his house
So instead, in his fear and cowardice
He signalled the guards on the tower
A salvo rang out from the hill
And the priest fell dead to the ground
The black stallion bolted and ran
Back across the Zeta river
And upon Milo, with their swords
The Turks descended from the hill
They're bustling to be the first
To use their sword on the hero
Whose name is known
Even to Emperor Hamid11 in Istanbul
The dead priest was first reached
By Hasan Ferizović
The sword flashed, and the head fell
Into a puddle of blood
On the tallest city tower
On top of Mušović's headquarters
The Turks displayed the head
Of Father Milo Jovović
From the sharp oaken stake
Milo is looking down
On the Turks jeering at him
And their meriment in the city
A raven, the black bird
Was suddenly delighted
When he saw the bloody head
And now he's flying over the city
He's approaching the tower from above
To land on the city walls
And, as is his old custom,
To desecrate the manly head
And secretly, from the harem
The women are peering through the windows
To see the famous head
Of the Serb12 priest on top of the tower
Death of Father Milo, Father Milo Jovović
Death of Father Milo, Father Milo Jovović
Death of Father Milo, Father Milo Jovović
Death of Father Milo, Father Milo Jovović
  • 1. Milo Jovović (1824-1877), Montenegrin priest and warlord who fought against the Ottoman Empire
  • 2. A town in northern Montenegro, at the time an Ottoman fortress
  • 3. Nicholas I of Montenegro (1844-1924), the sovereign prince and later the first king of Montenegro
  • 4. literally, neither wine nor water
  • 5. hajduk - rebel, or brigand
  • 6. single-string fiddle
  • 7. Hamza Mušović, the commander of Nikšić garrison
  • 8. an area north of Nikšić city walls
  • 9. a leader of hajduks
  • 10. a village near Cetinje, the then-capital of Montenegro
  • 11. The Ottoman sultan Abdul Hamid II
  • 12. At the time, Montenegrins universally considered themselves to be a branch of Serbs
Expressions idiomatiques dans « Смрт Попа Мила ... »
   Lun, 23/04/2018 - 12:54

"And the the Prince summoned Milo" => "And the Prince..."

"And the two eyes, like arrows // Flashed on the hajduk's face" => "And his eyes, like arrows // ... ". Both "the" and "two" can be considered spurious (Whose eyes would flash except his own? And he does not have three eyes either, so "eyes" is enough.) and make the sentence sound stilted.

"We'll accept you with both hands" => "... with open arms" sounds more natural. I usually recommend eschewing literal translation unless absolutely necessary.

"A volley rang out from the hill" => I think this should be something like "Arrows rained down on him from the hill". At least "rang out" sounds strange.

"From the sharp oaken stake // Milo is looking from above // At the Turks jeering at him" => Again I would translate slightly more freely: "From the sharp oaken stake // Milo is looking down // On the Turks jeering at him".

   Lun, 23/04/2018 - 18:35

Thanks for the comments. Some of it (like "the two eyes") is poetic wording (i.e. not natural even in the original), so I think it should stay, and I'll change the rest.

   Lun, 23/04/2018 - 18:38

Oh, and about the volley ringing out - it was a volley of bullets, not arrows, this is 1877 :)

   Mar, 24/04/2018 - 08:14

Oh, I see. :) To me, "volley of..." evokes the image of arrows raining down. With bullets, I usually translate as "a barrage of bullets".

   Mer, 25/04/2018 - 20:34

OK, I fixed some things. How about "salvo"?

KonanVCZKonanVCZ    Ven, 02/11/2018 - 02:31

Свака част пријатељу!

Jelena Petrovic 1Jelena Petrovic 1    Ven, 02/11/2018 - 10:37

Prevod je vrhunski, samo možda treba, nisam sigurna

Driving to exhaustion
His fierce black stallion

driving - riding ?

Bolji prevod skoro nisam videla.