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  • Norlie & KKV

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More for Each Other

We have gone too far now to stop
Play honestly now nothing else
Hey you, there's no one here I'm drunk on a Friday, we just talk shit but you know what I mean
Hope we are more than just a one night stand to each other
I hope we are more than just sex to each other
You bring me up but it hurts when I land
So many time I've called you while drunk
Because I need you more than anything else
I think about the words I do not dare, to say to you but I mean them
I promise
I know I may appear dumb but I understand we should float on
clouds walking like a cat on hot bricks
You make me, you make me
That makes me, that makes me
I feel, I feel
You make me not want anyone else
We have gone too far now to stop
Play honestly now nothing else
Hey you, there's no one here I'm drunk on a Friday, we just talk shit but you know what I mean
Hope we are more than just a one night stand to each other
I hope we are more than SMS, a few calls
Too many nights together without responsibility
You give me hope about something I want to assume, could be more than just sex and cold talk.
I think we both know more than we promise, we hold tight to a picture we never painted
You said everything that I never dared, but you have never been afraid of getting hurt
You make me, you make me
That makes me, that makes me
I feel, I feel
You make me not want anyone else
We have gone too far now to stop
Play honestly now nothing else
Hey you, there's no one here I'm drunk on a Friday, we just talk shit but you know what I mean
Hope we are more than just a one night stand to each other
You're hopeless, baby I'm the same
It's cool because you got me, and you got me, right?
You're hopeless, baby I'm the same
It's cool because you got me, and you got me, right?
We have gone too far now to stop
Play honestly now nothing else
(I want to have an honest game with you)
Hey you, there's no one here I'm drunk on a Friday, we just talk shit but you know what I mean
Hope we are more than just a one night stand to each other
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Expressions idiomatiques dans « Mer för varandra »
IsterdamIsterdam    Sam, 26/05/2018 - 19:26

Fint översatt! Hade nog använt "lay" för att beskriva sängkammarens syndigare handlingar istället för "screw". Den engelska motsvarigheten till svenskans "sitta som på nålar" är "to be like a cat on hot bricks", varför "gå på nålar" borde motsvaras av "walk like a cat on hot bricks" (låter dock jävligt klumpigt).

   Mar, 02/10/2018 - 21:29

Ja tänkte på det. Men när man använder "lay" oftast så känns det som att det är mer ordäntligt (eller hur man nu ska förklara det).
Det språket de använder i texten är liksom avslappnat och ungdomligt. "Ett ligg" känns mer som ett liksom "one night stand" och inte något de gjort under en längre relation som jag anser "lay" beskriver.
Nu när jag tänker efter kanske det skulle låta bra med "one night stand" som översättning...

Iaf, det där med nålarna då... som sagt ja,
"... float on clouds walk like a cat on hot bricks"
låter jävligt klumpigt haha.