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Sullen Sky, Lurid Clouds

Sullen sky, lurid clouds
Why do you have to float above me?
Don't torture this maiden's soul
Under the cold, the cold moon
Wherefore do you winds rage wild
You serious thoughts are making me gloomy?
Yes, tell me about my groom
Who's in the foreign land, in the distance
With the wind my shutters opened
The soul scorched by fire in the wink of an eye
Stribog's hand has moved
A bloody leaf lies on the palm
You forgive me, my given life
I'm going away, I bow before you
I see my darling's face in the sky
As I drown myself in the rapid river
Paroles originales

Небо Хмурое Тучи Мрачные

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (russe)

Treugol'nyTreugol'ny    Dim, 04/06/2017 - 01:11

You probably misunderstood very important line in the song: Yes, tell me about my groom, THE ONE IN THE FOREIGN LAND, rather then" what's in the outland"

Ove ErikssonOve Eriksson
   Dim, 04/06/2017 - 02:33

Thank you friend, think I should change that line into "who is out in foreign land". Would that be alright with you?

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Dim, 24/06/2018 - 14:39

Well, since you asked for it.... :)

Sullen sky, lurid clouds —> I don’t know where you both (I mean you & Ivan) of you got this idea, but in my mind ‘sullen’ refers to a person, it’s very common in Russian to associate ‘personal’ feelings with everything, but in my experience, people from the other cultures, don’t quite understand it in the same way; “darksome” would work fine for me, but it’s just my opinion
Lurid —> totally threw me off — dark, gloomy, grim mb ???

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Dim, 24/06/2018 - 14:43

Ok, we can keep ‘sullen’, since foreigners understand it :) :D

Ove ErikssonOve Eriksson
   Dim, 24/06/2018 - 14:43

Well, the official English title to this song published by the band and/or record company is "Sullen Sky, Lurid Clouds". I simply didn't dare to change that.

Ove ErikssonOve Eriksson
   Dim, 24/06/2018 - 14:46

Thanks a lot for your explanation! :) The answer lies in the comment I posted right before this one