Thoughts on "Алла Пугачева - Святая ложь" song

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<a href="/fr/translator/klein" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1221548">Klein <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Inscrit·e le : 30.09.2014
Pending moderation

I'm under progress of learning russian. I still can't understand many things, but I like to work around song lyrics to gather more knowledge. I am curious about the meanings behind the song by Алла Пугачева, "Святая ложь". I already read the english translation, but that is still very subjective in my opinion. If someone here is fluent/native russian and can share thoughts over the meaning behind this song, I appreciate.

The link for the song lyrics:

Banned User PZ
<a href="/fr/translator/pinchus" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1410652">Pinchus </a>
Inscrit·e le : 28.01.2019

The translation seems to be appropriate. What you don't understand exactly?

<a href="/fr/translator/klein" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1221548">Klein <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Inscrit·e le : 30.09.2014

I want thoughts over the song as a whole, in other words, what the author meant to say with that.

Banned User PZ
<a href="/fr/translator/pinchus" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1410652">Pinchus </a>
Inscrit·e le : 28.01.2019

I don't like your holy (or white) lie, I don't belive you. I don't need your "goodness", give me a truth.
I've tied of your lie, I'll fight with it, I don't belive you

<a href="/fr/translator/klein" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1221548">Klein <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Inscrit·e le : 30.09.2014

Pinchus, in the first place, I appreciate your efforts. However, I don't think you understood what I meant to ask in this topic. When I say I want thoughts over "what the author meant to say", I am talking about objective and detailed explanations of a subjective message, the poetry in the music. For example: explain the figures of speech used in the text and why they were used.

I will add a example of this task with one lyrics that I know about:
In the music "Eden", which is performed by Sarah Brightman, there are the following verses:
1) I never tried to reach
2) Your eden

The interpretation of poetry is generally personal, but there are many elements that points to objective directions. In this case, "reach the eden" is meant to express someone that falls in love for another person, because Eden is known to be the name of the paradise (

Considering this, just quoting the lyrics is not the same as give thoughts about its meaning. It is like translating from the subjective to the objective language, and it is less dificult to do when you are fluent or native speaker.

Banned User PZ
<a href="/fr/translator/pinchus" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1410652">Pinchus </a>
Inscrit·e le : 28.01.2019

Thank you Klein, I'm not sure "I never tried to reach Your eden" is about falling in love, may be it's about his/her knowledges, skills or hobby. May be "eden" is an estate or ranch. It depends on the context.
I think, the lyrics of Pugacheva song is clear enough, straightforward, no interpretation required. The translation is fine.
But may be I wrong. May be [@BlackSea4Ever] can help us?

<a href="/fr/translator/blacksea4ever" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1390089">BlackSea4ever </a>
Inscrit·e le : 19.07.2018

Let me see if I can help: the concept is as Pinchus explained - multiple verses directed to Holy Lie telling it how little it is helpful and how little it is believed. The interesting part, is how next verse echoes and expands the feeling. Hope I helped (and you need to be a bit nicer when asking for help...)

(1) Святая ложь, пусть даже ты свята, Твоя мне надоела доброта. Я тебе не верю!
The key here, is the word reversal: holy lie even if you are holy - I'm fed up with the kindness you give - I don't believe you.

Зачем ко мне являешься ты в дом? Зачем сидишь, как гостья, за столом? Я тебе не верю!
Why are you coming into my home as a guest and sit at my table - I don't believe you.

Зачем меня ты бережёшь от бед, А я киваю головой в ответ? Ты боль больнее делаешь вдвойне, А истина давно известна мне!
Why do you save me from the grief while I agree with you - you double my pain as the truth has been known all along.

(2) Мне правда горькая сказала: «Не робей!», И стала я от этих слов ещё сильней! И потому не надо ложью помогать, Не надо лгать, не надо лгать!
The bitter truth told me not to be meek and for it, [the truth] made me stronger. Therefore, don't help by lying. Don't lie (as in tell untruth).

Святая ложь, пусть даже ты свята, Твоя мне ненавистна доброта. Я тебе не верю!
Again, the same thought as in (1) , but moving up a notch from being fed up to hating.

За то, что в душу лезешь ты ко мне, За то, что всем довольна ты вполне. Я тебе не верю!
And hating because: you get inside my soul, you are quite self-satisfied. I don't trust you.

Но я терплю — гостей не гонят вон, И я давлю в себе невольный стон,
И что со мной — не ведают друзья, И в этом правда горькая моя.
But, I endure - one doesn't throw out guests. But, I suppress my moans. My friends don't know how I feel and this is my bitter truth [amen from Deanna]

(2) Мне правда горькая сказала: «Не робей!», И стала я от этих слов ещё сильней! И потому не надо ложью помогать, Не надо лгать, не надо лгать!

Святая ложь, пусть даже ты свята, Но зло твоя рождает доброта. Я тебе не верю!
Same as (1), but now the conclusion: evil is born of your kindness. So, no trust again.

А значит, доброта твоя страшна! Конечно, ложь, конечно, я грешна, Конечно.
And, therefore, your kindness is frightening. Of course, I had sinned. Of course.

Тем, что тебя терпела до сих пор, Тем, что с тобою я не вступала в спор.
Ну, хватит! Буду я теперь иной! Ты видишь, правда горькая со мной!
[i had sinned] because I tolerated you, didn't argue with you.
Enough. I will be different from now on. You see, the bitter truth - it's with me.

Святая ложь, пусть даже ты свята, Твоя мне надоела доброта.
Я тебе не верю, не верю, не верю, не верю,
не верю, не верю, не верю, не верю…

<a href="/fr/translator/klein" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1221548">Klein <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Inscrit·e le : 30.09.2014

Obs: I want to keep clear that I am not saying the translation is wrong. My goal is discuss the poetry meanings of this song.

BlackSea4ever wrote:

(and you need to be a bit nicer when asking for help...)

Obs 2: I don't mean to be rude. I feel sorry anything I said sound like that. English is not my native language, so I don't know when I'm not being "nicer" enough.

Banned User PZ
<a href="/fr/translator/pinchus" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1410652">Pinchus </a>
Inscrit·e le : 28.01.2019

Thank you, D. Please, public your translation.

<a href="/fr/translator/klein" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1221548">Klein <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Inscrit·e le : 30.09.2014
BlackSea4ever wrote:

Let me see if I can help: the concept is as Pinchus explained - multiple verses directed to Holy Lie telling it how little it is helpful and how little it is believed. The interesting part, is how next verse echoes and expands the feeling.

BlackSea4ever, thank you for explaining further. I appreciate both of you speding some time to help me.

I will add some questions, but feel free to answer or not. What you have done is nice enough, but if you could answer, will be great!

My main doubt is: with whom is she talking to? Who she does not trust? Is it indeed related to god and beliefs (related to holy)? or is it about someone else? or maybe a feeling or an idea/ideology? That is what I still did not catch.

Banned User PZ
<a href="/fr/translator/pinchus" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1410652">Pinchus </a>
Inscrit·e le : 28.01.2019

She's talking to Lie, not to some person. "Holy lie" in russian is not about god, it's about the lie with good intention ("good intentions paved the road to hell")

<a href="/fr/translator/blacksea4ever" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1390089">BlackSea4ever </a>
Inscrit·e le : 19.07.2018

When she talks, she addresses the Lie, the Falsehood as a person. Words aren't addressed to God nor they are meant to be religious. The lies that religions, governments, and of course, the individuals tell may hide behind being holy, righteous, well-meant, but the fact is that lies aren't beneficial like the poison that's sugar-coated is still the poison.

You may note that she sang this song in passive protest recently
"В тексте песни речь идет о зле, которое несет в себе ложь, даже если она некоторыми считается святой. В то же время содержатся в тексте слова о правде, которая, хоть и горькая, но придает человеку силу, в отличии от «лжи во благо». Символично, что дать новую жизнь песне, написанной более 30 лет назад, знаковая российская певица решила именно сейчас, когда большинство россиян почти без зазрений совести верит новостным сюжетам о «распятых мальчиках» из Славянска."

<a href="/fr/translator/klein" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1221548">Klein <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Inscrit·e le : 30.09.2014

Thanks again!

<a href="/fr/translator/olga-bagirova" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1432950">Olga Bagirova </a>
Inscrit·e le : 10.09.2019

In case someone might be interested in my interpretation of the song, I will gladly share in short the way I see it. This song is about the situation when a woman in love is deceived, she doesn't know it for sure but she feels it. She is told the lies, the sweet lies, and she can’t decide on what is better: to accept those lies and fool yourself to save the relationship, or to choose the truth, though it is bitter and painful. And this situation is implied through a very beautiful metaphor of a woman having two guests at home, the LIE which is kind and holy («святая ложь» is an idiom, meaning the lie which is thought to be justified as it is told to avoid hurting someone's feelings or giving offence, the corresponding English idiom is “white lie”) and the TRUTH, which is bitter and hard to accept. The woman is having the conversation with the two. The LIE has been staying in the woman’s house for quite long, she finds this guest very unpleasant and insincere, but she is tolerant to this guest, “Но я терплю — гостей не гонят вон”. I would translate this line as “But I tolerate, one shouldn’t chase the guests out” so that it acquires an additional shade. The meaning of this phrase in the source text is that it is considered to be a bad manner to kick out one’s guests of the house, so in this way the woman justifies herself for weakness and for living with those lies for some time, hinting that it is extremely hard for her to face the truth and acept the fact she's been deceived. Hence, at first she chose to accept the lie. But eventually she makes up her mind on who to stay with and she chooses the bitter truth. “Мне правда горькая сказала: «Не робей!»”. It should be translated as “The bitter truth told me: ‘Don’t be shy!’ “ (not "you said" - an important nuance) And the woman becomes stronger with those words, as she realizes after all that living with those lies which seem to be kind and sweet is a torture and now she has got enough strength to tear it up with that relationship no matter how much it hurts and move on.
P.S.Of course, the lyrics can be interpreted more abstractly and philosophically, as the lie opposed to the truth in general.

<a href="/fr/translator/klein" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1221548">Klein <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Inscrit·e le : 30.09.2014

Thank you, Olga Bagirova, for sharing your interpretation!

At first reading, I could not think of "lie" and "truth" being her guests at home, I think this was the main issue in my doubts.

<a href="/fr/translator/olga-bagirova" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1432950">Olga Bagirova </a>
Inscrit·e le : 10.09.2019

You are always welcome!