La Russie a lancé une guerre honteuse contre l’Ukraine.     Soutenez l’Ukraine !
  • Ziynet Sali

    Yara → traduction en anglais

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Tell me, to leave me and go like this is an old issue
I’m at home and your portrait is above my head, it’s getting four o’clock
Don’t come back I repented of the love
You routed my heart out and then asked me to survive
Dreaming you is darkening my life, I got pain but my numb body doesn’t feel it anymore
Where I walk is full of pieces of shattered glass but I don’t stop walking
It goes up in flames the fire doesn’t die down, I’m in fire but you can’t see
If you’re happy wherever else then go there it’s okay to me
What kind of wound are you, you heal and start bleeding again
I’m somewhere between my dead life and death come to me
Please heal my wound the way you look at me is a mystery
Maybe one day my dark fate gets some light
What kind of wound are you, you heal and start bleeding again
I’m somewhere between my dead life and death come to me
Please heal my wound the way you look at me is a mystery
Maybe one day my dark fate gets some light
Paroles originales


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Ahmadreza DavoudiAhmadreza Davoudi
   Ven, 10/04/2020 - 10:20

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