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    Ochi de catifea → traduction en anglais

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Ochi de catifea

Cine ești?
Și ce gândești?
Ochii tăi plâng și spun o poveste
Văd o iubire, dulce-amintire
Care te-a vrăjit
Stropi de ploaie, rânduri pe-o foaie
Ochi de catifea
Stropi de ploaie, rânduri pe-o foaie
Ochi de catifea
Te-ai ascuns, știu cât ai plâns
Ochii tăi triști îmi spun cât de mult te-a durut
Doar o scrisoare, rânduri amare
Te-a lăsat cândva
Stropi de ploaie, lacrimi șiroaie
Ochi de catifea
Stropi de ploaie, lacrimi șiroaie
Ochi de catifea
Te-a atins și te-a aprins
Ochii tăi azi îmi mai spun cât îți este de dor
Spun că-ți lipșeste
Dulcea poveste ce-ai trăit cândva
Stropi de ploaie, și o văpaie
Ochi de catifea
Stropi de ploaie, și o văpaie
Ochi de catifea
Ochi de catifea
Ochi de catifea

Velvet Eyes

Who are you?
And what are you thinking about?
Your eyes are crying and telling a story.
I see a love, sweet memories
That have bewitched you.
Raindrops, lines on a sheet
Velvet eyes
Raindrops, lines on a sheet
Velvet eyes
You hid, I know how much you have cried
Your sad eyes are telling me how much it has hurt
Just a letter, lines of bitterness
That have left you once
Raindrops, tears are running
Velvet eyes
Raindrops, tears are running
Velvet eyes
She touched you and she lit you up,
Your eyes are still telling me how much you've missed me today,
How you are missing
The sweet story you have once lived
Raindrops and a shining light
Velvet eyes
Raindrops and a shining light
Velvet eyes
Velvet eyes
Velvet eyes
Provincialii: Top 3
BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Mer, 05/08/2020 - 20:32

My friend [@radu robert] can judge the accuracy, but it sounds lovely. Thanks.

Radu RobertRadu Robert    Jeu, 06/08/2020 - 11:42

Hey friend , how's it goin?! Hope all is fine and in good health in these times .. @Sergei Kolesov A very nice adaptation, only some minor tweaks to be done in the paragraph no 5 .. These are due to the fact that the song is speakin' about a love that once been , and that left some memories , and lived; up still in the head of the personb whom had that ..
Considered that the song si sang by a women .. i'd fisrtly adapt it from tha perspective of hers speakin to the male which lived that loved once ..
so the par no 5 would be like this for me

She carresed you once, and such a fire littened 'twas in your heart
In your eyes even now, i can still see such a longing
In Them such longing ya're bearin'
For the lovely story lived once

In paragr no 6th L 1 and 3 Maybe consider to do it like - Raindrops, and a shining light (the word vapaie it can also have the figurative meaning of a bright light ... here it fits more because it is an compliment for this beloved person .. described through the eyes of the other .. and of course it shows teh link with the very next line in which a compliment for the lovely eyes is done )
Anyway .. these are the only changes i 'd do .. the translation is really good Keep them up

Sergei KolesovSergei Kolesov
   Ven, 07/08/2020 - 20:00

Dear Radu Robert, thank you for your extensive comment, all the explanations and valuable proposals! It will take me some time to carefully study those and re-phrase in the best possible way! Vă mulțumesc din toată inima și mulți ani!

silencedsilenced    Mer, 05/08/2020 - 20:35

Lovely English, at any rate.

osiris71osiris71    Mer, 02/12/2020 - 21:26

Well done, Sergei! I appreciate you especially because you listened to the song very carefully, considering that the transcription is not perfect.

Sergei KolesovSergei Kolesov
   Mer, 02/12/2020 - 22:42

Thank you, osiris71, for your comment! I started to learn the Romanian language in the end of the last year just for myself because of my beloved couple, my friends Viorica and Victor from Moldova! I have been to Moldova twice during the USSR, and I have always liked your language, singing, full of vowels, diphthongs and triphthongs! What a beautiful is the Moldovan/Romanian language is!!!!!!!!!!!

osiris71osiris71    Mer, 02/12/2020 - 21:35

A small suggestion though, if I may:
”Te-a atins și te-a aprins”- ”She touched you and she lit you up” Don't you agree?

Sergei KolesovSergei Kolesov
   Mer, 02/12/2020 - 21:45

osiris71 , Corrected immediately, because eu te cred. Mai este ceva de correctat?

osiris71osiris71    Mer, 02/12/2020 - 21:53

În rest e foarte bine. Chiar nu-mi vine să cred că e prima traducere română/engleză. Felicitări!

Catoata LumeaCatoata Lumea    Dim, 23/10/2022 - 19:56

An awesome song and a perfect translation! Thanks for posting!