La Russie a lancé une guerre honteuse contre l’Ukraine.     Soutenez l’Ukraine !
  • Nikola Emelin

    Держись → traduction en anglais

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За Серегу из Рязани,
За Коляна из Перми,
Наша память, наши раны…
Слышь, браток, на грудь прими.
Под пыжухою — тельняжка,
Под тельняжечкой — жетон.
Мы по кругу пьем из фляжки
За десантный батальон!
Эх-ма, рукава повыше,
Да пояса потуже,
Мы выдержим с тобой, браток,
Бывало хуже
Улетим мы птицей в небо,
Высоко, аж вон куда!
Различим там быль и небыль,
А погода — не беда.
Прыгнем в горы, прыгнем в море,
Если надо — хоть куда
Мы противнику на горе,
А погода — не беда.
Эх-ма, рукава повыше,
Да пояса потуже,
Мы выдержим с тобой, браток,
Бывало хуже
За Серегу из Афгана,
За Коляна из Чечни,
Наша память, наши раны.
Слышь, браток, еще плесни.
Под пыжухою — тельняжка,
Под тельняжечкой — жетон.
Запевай, братишка, нашу:
Про десантный батальон.
Эх-ма, рукава повыше,
Да пояса потуже,
Мы выдержим с тобой, браток,
Бывало —
Мы рукава повыше, да пояса потуже
Мы выдержим с тобой, браток,
Бывало хуже
Держись, браток!
Держись, браток!
Держись, браток!

Hang In There

To Seryoga* from Ryazan,
To Kolyan** from Perm
Our memory, our wounds
Look, bro, take a slug
Under khaki uniform*** is worn undershirt****
Undershirt there's a badge
We pass a flask around and
Drink to airborne battalion
Ech-ma*****, roll sleeves up higher
And tighten more your belts
We'll hold out you and me, brother
We used to go through a lot worse situation
We're gonna fly like a bird up to the sky
Up and away
We'll tell reality from fiction there
The weather? No problem.
We're gonna jump up the mountains and into the sea
No matter where
If we gotta do it
Gonna come at our enemy's misfortune
The weather? No problem.
Hey, roll your sleeves up higher
and tighten more your belts
We'll hold out, you and me, brother
We used to go through a lot worse situation
To Seryoga from Afganistan
To Kolya from Chechnya
Our memory, our wounds
Look, bro, give some more of that stuff
Under khaki uniform is worn undershirt
Under undershirt there's a badge
Let's do, bro our song
about that airborne batallion
Hey, we roll our sleeves up higher
And tighten more our belts
We'll hold out, bro you and me
We used to go through
a lot worse situations
We roll our sleeves up higher and tighten more our belts
We'll hołd out bro
We used to go through a lot worse situation
Hang in there, bro!
Hang in there, bro!
Hang in there, bro!
Expressions idiomatiques dans « Держись »
Ulman BegovicUlman Begovic    Lun, 10/01/2022 - 00:35

thanks for translation, but arent whole army wore telnyashka?
and also, what about the bratishka line

Inez KiborInez Kibor
   Lun, 10/01/2022 - 09:44

Telnyashka is worn only in the Navy
I missed the bratishka line. Thanks a lot for showing my mistake.

Inez KiborInez Kibor
   Mer, 12/01/2022 - 15:18

My pleasure. By the way I've put that missing line.

Inez KiborInez Kibor
   Lun, 17/01/2022 - 12:58

Hi there, thank you a lot for likes. Could you please do me a favour and translate a Turkish song? If yes I'll send you PM. Thanks in advance. Have a nice day!

Inez KiborInez Kibor
   Mer, 19/01/2022 - 18:01

Thanks, sir for your consent :). Here's the lyrics. Appreciate it.

yerine koy
kış ortasında güneş ışığı gibi
yerine koy
sevgi dolu annenin kucağı gibi
yerine koy
ben seni öyle özledim

yerine koy
yağmur düşmüş toprağın kokusu gibi
yerine koy
sığındığım sıcacık yatağım gib

yerine koy
uyanmaya korktuğum tatlı düş gibi
yerine koy
yuvasında bulduğum minik kuş gibi

gece boyu yanacak bu kandil
gece boyu yanacak
mektubuna doyacak bu gözler
gece böyle solacak
hasretimi gideren bu resmin güneş gibi yakacak
seni seven bu zavallı hayallinle yaşayacak

yorgunluk çökmüş bu kentin sokaklarına
umarsızlık yağıyorken kaldırımlara
umutlarım sığınmış bir han kapısına
hayal etmek yasak avunmak suç

Ulman BegovicUlman Begovic    Mer, 19/01/2022 - 18:21

It's ok, im glad i can help :)
and also; you want me to translate lyrics specifically to Russian or could i go with English, because it wont be really good translate if i'll translate into Russian. im still trying to learn that language alone by myself :(

MickGMickG    Jeu, 20/01/2022 - 10:16

Maybe you should add the song to the site and then post the link here so the user you were talking to can go there and add the translation? In fact, add the song, post a request for an English translation, and then post the link to the request here? Can you find a video of the song?