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  • Brothers Mischuki

    Не поговорили → traduction en anglais

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Не поговорили

Собирались наскоро, обнимались ласково,
Пели, балагурили, пили и курили.
День прошёл, как не было,
День прошёл, как не было,
День прошёл, как не было…
Эх, не поговорили.
Виделись, не виделись, ни за что обиделись,
Помирились, встретились, шуму натворили.
Год прошёл, как не было,
Год прошёл, как не было,
Год прошёл, как не было…
Эх, не поговорили.
Так и жили наскоро, и дружили наскоро,
Не жалея тратили, не скупясь дарили.
Жизнь прошла, как не было,
Жизнь прошла, как не было,
Жизнь прошла, как не было…
Эх, не поговорили.
Эх, не поговорили.
Эх, не поговорили.

Didn’t get a chance to talk

We got together in a hurry, embraced each other tenderly.
We sang and joked, drank and smoked.
That day passed as if it never happened.
We just didn't get a chance to talk.
We saw each other, then we didn’t, made much ado for nothing.
We made peace, saw each other, caused some major ruckus.
A year passed as if it never happened.
We just didn't get a chance to talk.
That’s how we lived - in a hurry, kept friendship on the fly.
Regretted neither spending nor given a gift a hue and cry.
Life passed by as if it didn’t happen.
We just didn't get a chance to talk.
We just didn't get a chance to talk.
We just didn't get a chance to talk.
Proshor ProshorovProshor Proshorov    Jeu, 18/08/2022 - 05:20

kept friendship in full tilt - kept friendship in a hurry
we didn’t begrudge a gift - we gave gifts without stint
A song from VIA Plamya repertoire.

   Mer, 17/08/2022 - 11:55

Hi Di! Nice one! 👍
Could you please align the verses?
And just a suggestion -
Kept friendship hurriedly

   Mer, 17/08/2022 - 17:10

I wanted to use “kept friendships on the run” - what say you?

   Mer, 17/08/2022 - 20:26

I think it should work as well.
Kept friendships on the fly??? Maybe?

   Mer, 17/08/2022 - 21:55

My lord, of course it was on the fly….
I like the change - what do you, guys, think?

   Mer, 17/08/2022 - 17:14

Hastily does not work here. Sorry.
Similarly, I’ve never heard of “ we gave gifts without stint” - while it is possible, it wouldn’t be my choice.
Thanks - I appreciate your notes.

Dr_IgorDr_Igor    Jeu, 18/08/2022 - 18:11

It is my (humble) opinion that your opinion is wrong. The phrase "keep friendships on the fly" is pretty oxymoronic on its own. "On the fly" always refers to an action that is taken in (quickly) changing circumstances, when there's not much time for preparation ( origin - ball in the air in baseball). Keeping friendship is the opposite, it is avoiding action ( of breaking a friendship) - circumstances do not change, and one does not do anything to change them. IMHO the original talks about making friends hastily

   Jeu, 18/08/2022 - 21:43

I ❤️ Your Opinion❣️
— That is a lucid, intelligent, well thought-out objection.
— Overruled.

I’m obliged to explain why not: I didn’t read it as making friends hastily, but rather juggling friendship amongst other priorities.

Dr_IgorDr_Igor    Jeu, 18/08/2022 - 21:43

Your Honor,
with rulings like that, you'll be recalled soon.

Dr_IgorDr_Igor    Jeu, 18/08/2022 - 21:53
BlackSea4ever a écrit :

but rather juggling friendship amongst other priorities.

Did you get my main, rather general, point - "keep" does not work with "on the fly"? I'd live with made instead of kept, though still far from ideal...

   Jeu, 18/08/2022 - 21:57

The idiom reads «you are doing something else, without preparing and without thinking too much about how it should be done» — much like in real life, no? My life, anyway.

Dr_IgorDr_Igor    Jeu, 18/08/2022 - 22:12

Crime of omission, Your Honor.
Here's the full text of the explanation:

If you do something on the fly, you do it QUICKLY, often while you are doing something else, without preparing and without thinking too much about how it should be done:

How do you keep friendships quickly?

Сдавайся, Ди, make it "made" (semi-pun) and I'll leave you alone.

   Jeu, 18/08/2022 - 22:14

Hmm, no. I disagree and leaving me alone isn’t a good inducement.

Dr_IgorDr_Igor    Jeu, 18/08/2022 - 22:24

OK, let's try it this way. If you don't replace "kept" with "made" I'll leave you alone.

   Jeu, 18/08/2022 - 22:40

Reminder: woman’s logic: great solution, almost… let’s forego the 2nd part

Dr_Igor a écrit :

If you don't replace "kept" with "made" I'll leave you alone.

Dr_IgorDr_Igor    Ven, 19/08/2022 - 01:17

ОК. Let me put it in terms of one of my previous lives - that of a mathematician. I said: if you do A, then I'll do B. You said no and B is not enticing enough for you to do A. Then I said: how about you don't do A and I'll do B. You didn't take that either. Conclusion: you don't care if doing A is the right thing to do, you only care that I don't do B. Am I right?

   Ven, 19/08/2022 - 20:00

In mathematical terms, A does not mean B follows. I think my choice is acceptable, but if you get Brat or Kevin to take your side, I will give up. What you choose to do is totally up to you - I just stated my preference. 🙂
It’s bad enough something you said had Julia drop glasses… I made all kind of assumptions and, to my credit, kept my mouth shut….

Proshor ProshorovProshor Proshorov    Jeu, 18/08/2022 - 05:42

Песня оказалась гораздо сложнее, чем казалась при первом прочтении, она еще и местами шуточная, действительно, некоторые строчки непонятно, как перевести, зависит от субъективного толкования.

Dr_IgorDr_Igor    Jeu, 18/08/2022 - 21:48

What about English grammar, dear? You're overruling it too?
It's either Past Indefinite as in the rest of the sentence, then it's "gave", or if suddenly it's Present Perfect and then you have to have a "have".
Pun intended.

   Jeu, 18/08/2022 - 21:54

Ahh, that one is iffy. I get your point, but read it like this:
[Have not] Regretted spending and [have not] given a gift a hue and cry.

Regretted neither spending nor given a gift a hue and cry. — grammarly gave me a pass. Lol, no one is perfect.

Dr_IgorDr_Igor    Jeu, 18/08/2022 - 22:00

I did not know that you can just imply "have not". That would be Ebonics.

Dr_IgorDr_Igor    Jeu, 18/08/2022 - 22:20

Thanks for Larisa. It's in. Funny, I thought why would you use the infamous letter Z. Then I understood. So first, he is Zh, not Z, second, I don't mind prologues and in this particular one, it adds value.

Julia_ArkhitektorovaJulia_Arkhitektorova    Jeu, 18/08/2022 - 23:28
Dr_Igor a écrit :

What about English grammar, dear?..

Я прям очечки уронила.