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Derrière les fenêtres

« The light is invisible
To us »
That's what what they silently say
When they are two
Men and women of stone
With destinies void of glory
Can't hold on, too proud
I hear
The absence of...
Behind closed windows
Lives long have been lost
Behind closed windows
I live in worlds
That are like dreams
Behind window panes
Fall souls in shards
Behind the pale glass, we know
A heart will be born or lost
Exquisite silhouettes
I was imagining the bags under your eyes
Lovers that are content
At their windows
Worthy men and women
I would like to happen upon your shadows
And speak to your souls
That dive, and make the sign of the cross...
Behind closed windows
Lives long have been lost
Behind closed windows
I live in worlds
That are like dreams
Behind window panes
Fall souls in shards
Behind the pale glass, we know
A heart will be born or lost
Paroles originales

Derrière les fenêtres

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Mylène Farmer: Top 3
Expressions idiomatiques dans « Derrière les ... »