La Russie a lancé une guerre honteuse contre l’Ukraine.     Soutenez l’Ukraine !
  • Desig → traduction en anglais

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Porto un desig escrit en un paper que no es mulla,
quan el pervers l'hagi llegit, seguirà cremant la pluja.
Tinc els ulls cansats de tanta impunitat,
dels senyors de la guerra fugitius de la veritat,
minoria que ens aixafa a la immensa majoria,
amb el dit índex assassí trencant la pau de cada dia.
Potser es vol viure aventures, obrir el cor de bat a bat,
i conèixer altres cultures on hi hagi cap soldat.
La vostra vida de luxe i la nostra pena al riu,
vosaltres que feu la llei, amics de la màfia i el rei,
ja només ens queda un dubte, com podeu ser tan corruptes?
Eh senyor, enterrarem les armes,
no és només el meu desig,
tota la terra ho canta.
Eh senyor, desterrarem les armes,
no es només el meu desig,
tota la humanitat ho canta.
Porto un cançó que mai atraparan les bales,
he enterrat tota la por, vinc d'un poble que té ales,
tinc als ulls un horitzó lliure com l'aigua de mar.
Sé que tot allò important és invisible,
que cal canviar-ho tot, que no hi ha res impossible,
d'una petita revolució despertarà el foc més gran,
el foc més gran.
La vostra vida de luxe i la nostra pena al riu,
vosaltres que feu la llei, amics de la màfia i el rei.
ja només ens queda un dubte, com podeu ser tan corruptes?
Eh senyor, enterrarem les armes,
no és només el meu desig,
tota la terra ho canta.
Eh senyor, desterrarem les armes,
no es només el meu desig,
tota la humanitat ho canta,
Tota la humanitat ho canta,
el foc més gran,
sempre seran nostres les places i els carrers.
Ningú vol presó, ningú vol tortura,
tota la humanitat ho canta.
El foc més gran,
cremen les fogueres dins la vostra consciència,
tota la humanitat ho canta.
Sempre seran nostres les places i els carrers...


I carry a wish written on paper that doesn't get wet,
when the evil ones have read it, the rain will continue burning.
My eyes are tired of all this impunity,
of the men of war, hiding from the truth.
The minority that crushes us, the vast majority,
with its deathly index finger, breaking peace every day.
Maybe it wants to have adventures, open its heart wide open,
and get to know other cultures where there are no soldiers.
Your life of luxury and our hardship at the river,
you who make the law, friends of the mafia and the king,
that only leaves us one question: How could you be so corrupt?
Hey sir, we will bury our weapons,
It's not only my wish,
the whole earth is chanting it.
Hey sir, we will banish our weapons,
It's not only my wish,
all of humanity is chanting it.
I carry a wish that will never catch bullets
I've buried all this fear, I come from a people that has wings
My eyes are on the horizon, free like the water of the sea.
I know that everything important is invisible,
that we have to change everying, that nothing is impossible
that a small revolution will awaken the greatest fire,
the greatest fire
Your life of luxury and our hardship at the river,
you who make the law, friends of the mafia and the king,
that only leaves us one question: How could you be so corrupt?
Hey sir, we will bury our weapons,
It's not only my wish,
the whole earth is chanting it.
Hey sir, we will banish our weapons,
It's not only my wish,
all of humanity is chanting it.
All of humanity is chanting it.
The greatest fire.
The squares and the streets will always be ours
Nobody wants prison, nobody wants torture,
all of humanity is chanting it.
The greatest fire
The bonfires are burning within your conscience,
all of humanity is chanting it.
The squares and the streets will always be ours…