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  • Sopa de Cabra

    Dies de carretera → traduction en anglais

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Days On The Road

You left home;
In the streets, everything had been burned.
You were looking for some good luck...
You reached the edge of the city
Not having anything to lose:
What you had, had to change!
You also didn't have anything to believe in...
Only a guitar, so you could dream!
(Life is awaiting you)
Days on the road!
(Life is awaiting you)
You never wanted to go back!
(Life is awaiting you)
You had the world in your hands...
You were happy living against the ropes,
But you didn't have enough:
You'd go down in history
And, maybe, you'd even become the new King of Rock & Roll!
Down the road to fame,
You were never alone no matter where you went
But, beside your guitar,
Your only faithful friend was alcohol.
If with every passing day
That which you have dreamed is further and further away,
Maybe the time to wake up has arrived!
Having falling from the stars,
Today some people think that you've lost everything.
Rolling by the roadside
You happily sing an old song...
(Life is awaiting you)
Days on the road!
(Life is awaiting you)
You never wanted to go back!
(Life is awaiting you)
You have the world in your hands...
If with every passing day
That which you have dreamed is further and further away,
Maybe the time to wake up has arrived!
To feel once again on your face
The frozen Northerly Wind...
And, if now you're alone, you can have faith in your good luck...
Paroles originales

Dies de carretera

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Sopa de Cabra: Top 3