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Eth dia de partir

Eth dia de partir qu’ei arribat,
E un aute còp ei eth temps de marchar!
Un a un, bocins de memòria;
Un a un, te braquen er alend.
Un a un, bocins de memòria;
Un a un, te hèn a èster valent!
Laguens deth sac. sonque ua candela,
Un sarpar de rebrembes e gotes d’illusion;
Se jamès tornes a vèir eth pòrt,
Se jamès i tornes a quèir...
Se jamès tornes a vèir eth pòrt,
Seguís era lum: t’amiarà en lòc!
Ara que dejà te n’as anat,
Eth tòn «t’estimi» ei en mèn costat;
E ara, que sai qu’un dia as de tornar
E ara, que soni que tornaràs...
E ara, que sai que un dia as de tornar,
Que tierè dubèrta, era man.

The Day of Departure

The day of departure has come,
And it's the time to leave, once again!
One by one, bits of memory;
One by one, they make you lose your breath.
One by one, bits of memory;
One by one, they make you brave.
Inside the bag there's just a candle,
A handful of memories and droplets of hope;
If you ever see the mountain pass again,
If you ever fall there again...
If you ever see the mountain pass again,
Follow the light: it will lead you to that place!
Now that you've already left,
And your 'I love you' is right by my side;
And now, that I know that someday you must return
And now, when I dream that you'll return...
And now, that I know that someday you must return,
I will keep my hand open.
Occitan Folk: Top 3