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  • Carminho

    Folha → traduction en anglais

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Cursed page, obey
The hands you don't deserve
The lies of the poet.
All the darkest traits
Described a thousand hugs,
Stories of an open door.
All the darkest traits
Described a thousand hugs,
Stories of an open door.
Only you know, blank page
The craft of making impregnable
This sap of truth.
He told me stories of love,
This poor pretender
Made me believe that I miss him.
He told me stories of love,
This poor pretender
Made me believe that I miss him.
And you, proffered page
The hand that in parting
Says goodbye without leaving,
Will tell everyone
That he who pretends what he really feels is
My lost poet
Will tell everyone
That he who pretends what he really feels is
My lost poet
Paroles originales


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Expressions idiomatiques dans « Folha »