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  • 2 traductions
    anglais #1, #2
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She comes from foreign lengths

She comes from a place
where the time has stopped passing
where the morning sinks in the sea
where the dusk dawns
she makes you swear
what you swear when you risk nothing
she's everywhere
where you stand or fly
She comes from foreign lengths,
where the sea is land and land is sea
where winds flow
and waters blow
and the magpie gives herself away
she's fire-proof and strong
she's hurtful and sensitive
she comes from a foreign lenghts
she stops by you like a dream
She turns around when you've won
and stands in the sun's light
she possesses the strength
you always believed to be yours
when the silence roars with sound
and closes its fingers round your throat
when the first ice glitters
she stands in the door and wants to come in
And she comes from foreign lengths
where the storm is a calm day and the calmness is storm
where black is white
and mine is yours
where logic looses its form
she turns dust into silver
she turns salt into honey
she comes from foreign lengths
where nothing becomes everything
She comes from a place
where the best boot only slips
she walks crooked ways
whose paths she created herself
she is untouched by laws and rules
by summer or winter
she teaches you the opposite
just before dawn
she comes from foreign lengths
where the poor sit in gold
where the answer is a question
where the spark is a flame
and dignity is the same as debt
you want to take her along
she should see what you can do
but she comes from foreign lengths
where you can travel to, but never reach.
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