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  • Bojan Bjelic

    Hrid → traduction en anglais

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Naša pesma svira, srce dira
život staje postaje opasno
sto za dvoje moja tuga bira
srećne dane ne pamtim već odavno
Kad mi u tami neko javi
da drugo vino te opilo
haos u glavi ljubav pravi
o Bože moj
Zar sam tebi tako malo značio
da mirne duše pusti ćeš me ti
tamo gde je đavo mrežu bacio
da se srce razbije o hrid
Zar sam tebi tako malo značio
il' je ljubav slepa gubiš vid
i dobio sam ono što sam tražio
volela me nikad nisi ti
Kad mi u tami neko javi
da drugo vino te opilo
haos u glavi ljubav pravi
o Bože moj
I dobio sam ono što sam tražio
volela me nikad nisi ti


Our song is playing, it stirs my heart
Life stops, becomes dangerous
A table for two my sadness chooses
For a long time I haven’t been counting happy days
When someone calls me in the darkness
That another wine inebriated you
Love messes up my head
Oh my God
Did I mean so little to you
That you will leave me with a calm soul?
There where the devil threw its net
to tear the heart in parts on the cliff
Did I mean so little to you
Or is love blind, and you loose the sight?
And I got what I asked for
You never loved me
When someone calls me in the darkness
That another wine inebriated you
Love messes up my head
Oh my God
And I got what I asked for
You never loved me
Bojan Bjelic: Top 3
Expressions idiomatiques dans « Hrid »