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In front of people

The streets are filling with people
They don't know anything about us
You are waiting for me at the station
Maybe time will forgive me
I run rest of the way
You're beautiful as always
In your high heels
You say: "Tonight we'll walk hand in hand
In front of people
Don't mind people staring
Because we are together
They don't know anything, they don't belong to this story
That only few will hear"
The streets are filling with noises
Someone yells after us
You're the stronger one of us
With you I'm not afraid of the darkness of the city
By a group of people
You hold my hand tighter
And my fear disappears
Because tonight we'll walk hand in hand
In front of people
Don't mind people staring
Because we're together
They don't know anything, they don't belong to this story
That only few will hear
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Ihmisten edessä

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