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  • Ivano Fossati

    Il bacio sulla bocca → traduction en anglais

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The kiss on the mouth

My beautyful one,
who cares about the world,
we'll be forgiven, I'm telling you,
by a kiss on the mouth, someday.
You feel like you have already seen and done everything
the whole future has already happened
it has been written, corrected and interpreted
by others, and they have beaten you to it.
My beautiful one,
I'm not twenty,
I'm much younger,
and this means (surely you'll understand)
Fly to me if this is a waltz
fly to me, whatever this is
hold tight my jacket under the wisteria
and make me run,
stumble, it's better than remaining still
ask, its better than waiting.
Wear me out
and talk to me
hold me tight
look behind my shoulders
and then tell me
explain to me
all this new time
that comes with you.
You see me clean and groomed
I look like a field in bloom again
and you are the keen spirit of beauty
that time can't tarnish.
Here it is, the picture of two old oddballs
on the edge of the meadow full of cicadas
with the orchestra playing grass blades
and accordions
(I tell you).
My beautyful one,
who cares about the world.
Wear me out
and talk to me
hold me tight
go through my pockets
then forgive me
look at this time
that comes with you
look, it's so much time
that comes with you.
Paroles originales

Il bacio sulla bocca

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (italien)
