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The World Will Change

My friend, you are
looking around you.
You cannot believe your eyes.
You cry and know it is because
of what you are attempting.
I am trying it too.
Never change.
The world frightens you.
Friend, my source of courage—
I—I cry like you.
You will see—the world will change.
Its wounds will heal.
Love cannot—cannot die.
It would be like saying that this is the end.
You will see that the night will end—
and the man will awaken
with the eyes and the heart of a child
who can never betray.
If, in your mind, you
gave birth to some ideas—
come on, my friend,
the world awaits you.
But never change,
and never forget that—
as you go up
step by step,
I will seem far away
But I—I am right with you.
You will see—the world will change.
Its wounds will heal.
Love cannot—cannot die.
It would be like saying that this is the end.
You will see that the night will end—
and the man will awaken
with the eyes and the heart of a child
who can never betray.
Paroles originales

Il mondo cambierà

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (italien)
