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  • Millencolin

    Inte Vara Ägd → traduction en anglais

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Not Be Owned

Some follow the darkness, others, the light
They say everyone is the smith of their own fortune
It can be difficult to think clearly in all of this noise
It can be difficult to see what's up and down
Much easier to just play along
I don't want to live my life like a dog and fit in
I just want to feel the thought, I'm thinking that it's mine
I don't want to live my life like a slave on my knees
I just want to feel free to be how I am
When the group is pitched against the individual
Maybe it's a bit more so as to not lose its control
When should you choose to flee and when should you fight
I can't clearly see my own role
It's easy to lose focus when you're too close
I don't want to live my life like a dog and fit in
I just want to feel the thought, I'm thinking that it's mine
I don't want to live my life like a slave on my knees
I just want to feel free to be how I am
It's not about money or success (true brew there's no compulsion)
The subject is probably more existential (a pleasant boundary)
True brew is our kind of jargon
And it's about when before I meet you half-way again
I've first got to be honest with myself
I don't want to live my [life] on my knees
I want to be able to go my own way
Without selling out my soul
I don't want to live my life like a dog and fit in
I just want to feel the thought, I'm thinking that it's mine
I don't want to live my life like a slave on my knees
I just want to feel free to be how I am
This is how I am
This is just how I am
Just want to go my own way
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Inte Vara Ägd

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