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  • Robin Packalen

    Jetlag → traduction en anglais

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Jet lag

Far away across the seas
the wind can braid your hair and
the sun probably warms like back then
when we hung out on the beach
checking the waves
They're a language of sea, but the same mind
You won't even need words, you just knew it in some way
That we will see another time, the World is so small
I don't want to wait
that I can see you
and we will be back together again
I have a jet lag because of you
the distance is long
between us, there are many roads
Hey girl
I have a jet lag because of you
I hope that if you'll fly
next to me you're my type
Hey girl
We spent a day in a water park
and under the palm trees we ate popsicles
I would go to that pool
from these hoods, if I could only figure out
what would be the easiest way to escape to your presence
I have a jet lag because of you
the distance is long
between us, there are many roads
Hey girl
I have a jet lag because of you
I hope that if you'll fly
next to me you're my type 3x
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Expressions idiomatiques dans « Jetlag »