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Kaj v zraku je nocoj? [Can You Feel the Love Tonight]

Vem kaj se dogaja
- Kaj?
In pojma nimata!
- Kdo?
Ljubezen bo pokvarila vso stvar
Naš trio bo le par
Večerna mesečina
Ljubezen vsepovsod
Pod vplivom te romantične noči
Postal bo idiot
Kaj v zraku je nocoj
Da je tak lep večer?
Dotaknil se vseh bitij je pokoj
Ljubezni prave mir
Vse bi ji rad povedal
A kaj bo, ko spozna,
Da nisem tak junak, kot misli si?
Od mene bo odšla
Pred mano nekaj skriva
Kaj muči ga, ne vem
Ne vem, zakaj se brani vladanja
Saj kralj se skriva v njem
Kaj v zraku je nocoj?
Da je tak lep večer?
Dotaknil se vseh bitij je pokoj
Ljubezni prave mir
Kaj v zraku je nocoj?
Poglej zaljubljenca
Skozi mrak ljubezen vodi ju
Zdaj je čas za dva
In če zaljubi se nocoj,
Kar je njen namen,
Brezskrbnih dni bo konec
En, dva, tri
Ta fant bo pogubljen

What's in the Air Tonight?

I know what's happening
- What?
And they have no idea!
- Who?
Love's going to ruin the whole thing
Our trio will become a pair
The evening moonlight
Love everywhere
Under the influence of this romantic night
He's going to become an idiot
What's in the air tonight
That the evening is so nice?
Peace and quiet has touched all living beings
True love's peace
I want to tell her everything
But what will happen when she realizes
That I'm not the hero she thinks I am?
She's going to leave me
He's hiding something from me
I don't know what's bothering him
I don't know why he resists ruling
Because there's a king hiding inside of him
What's in the air tonight
That the evening is so nice?
Peace and quiet has touched all living beings
True love's peace
What's in the air tonight?
Look at the lovebirds
Love leads them through the dusk
Now it's time for two
And if he falls in love tonight
Which is her intention
The carefree days will be over
One, two, three
That boy will be doomed