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  • Damien Saez

    Rois demain → traduction en anglais

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Kings Tomorrow

When you take to the sea, it will be a semaphore
When you see the land, it will become the port
When you no longer have the sky, it will be your star,
Just like a point of light illuminates the canvas
From paintings to drawings, we draw our lives
We frolic in the saints, in the saints we cry out
We cry out our love to those who cannot hear
We sing on the rooftops, for sure looking for our own way
She'll let the streams flows when you no longer have weapons,
When all that's left for your eyes to do, yes, is to ring the alarm
When the horizon before you is nothing more than a plains,
She will become a hill, she will become the summit
When you search too much, yes, the meaning of it all
When you have sold everything, your soul and nobleness,
She will do for you those gestures that make up poetry
And inside, yes, who knows, the stuff that makes up life
No matter the paths we may follow together,
No matter the skies under which our hands may tremble
And if old age ever comes knocking on our door,
It will mean that we defeated the time that escorts us
I will be by your side, an impossible fighter,
I will teach you to see those things we keep invisible,
And even if I must every day become the sun
To turn off the night, to illuminate your sky
Yes, we will be kings tomorrow, my love, you and I
I will go and bring back gold for every one of your fingers
And when oceans rise up to your lashes,
I will go to the bottom of the seas inside your dark pupils
And even if I must every day become the sun
To turn off the night, to illuminate your sky
We will be kings tomorrow, my love, you and I
I will go and bring back gold for every one of your fingers
And when oceans come to drown our lands,
We will follow the spring, we will follow the light
Yes, when oceans come to drown the land,
We will be the spring, we will be the light
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Rois demain

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