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  • Luis Cepeda

    Llegas tú → traduction en anglais

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Llegas tú

Es un reloj que no señala las horas
En un andén por donde no pasa el tren
Demasiado para tan poco
Tanto golpe, un pozo sin fondo
Levántame otra vez de donde cuesta tanto salir
Y llegas tú, con tu luz, tu risa y ya da igual
Iluminas todo de una vez con tus niñerías
Respirarte me da la vida
Me da la vida
Ya somos dos, en este sitio de uno
Ya es un reloj, que grita el tiempo sin ti
Demasiado para tan poco
Ya no hay golpe, ni pozo sin fondo
Levántate, porque ya no puedo verte
Lejos de mi
Y llegas tú, con tu luz, tu risa y ya da igual
Iluminas todo de una vez con tus niñerías
Respirarte me da la vida
Me da la vida
Llegas tú, con tu luz, tu risa y ya da igual
Iluminas todo de una vez con tus niñerías
Respirarte me da la vida
Llegas tú, con tu luz, tu risa y ya da igual
Iluminas todo de una vez con tus niñerías
Respirarte me da la vida
Llegas tú, con tu luz, tu risa y ya da igual
Iluminas todo de una vez con tus niñerías
Respirarte me da la vida

You arrive

It's a clock that doesn't mark the hours
It's a platform in which the train doesn't stop
Too much for so little
So many blows, a bottomless pit
Lift me up from where it's so hard to get out
And you arrive, with your light, your smile y it doesn't matter anymore
You light everything up in one go with your childishness
Breathing you in gives me life
Gives me life
We are already two, in this place for one
It's already a clock that screams the time without you
Too much for so little
There is no blow anymore, nor a bottomless pit
Raise up because I can no longer see you
Far away from me
And you arrive, with your light, your smile y it doesn't matter anymore
You light everything up in one go with your childishness
Breathing you in gives me life
Gives me life
You arrive, with your light, your smile y it doesn't matter anymore
You light everything up in one go with your childishness
Breathing you in gives me life
And you arrive, with your light, your smile y it doesn't matter anymore
You light everything up in one go with your childishness
Breathing you in gives me life
And you arrive, with your light, your smile y it doesn't matter anymore
You light everything up in one go with your childishness
Breathing you in gives me life
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