La Russie a lancé une guerre honteuse contre l’Ukraine.     Soutenez l’Ukraine !
  • Damià Olivella

    Lluny d'aquí → traduction en anglais

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Lluny d'aquí

Em sento sol dins la nit;
he perdut...
M'he sentit part de tot:
he cregut...
Tornaràs si em quedo sol,
si no et puc sentir.
Trobarem, dins la foscor, el camí...
Digue'm que no és massa tard:
podrem trobar en l'horitzó
el nou sol...
Pren el sentit, que et portarà;
que, sense por,
tot es pot fer realitat...
Porta'm lluny d'aquí!
Oblidar el que som,
tornar amb mi...
Sent la veu... Tremolor
dins la nit...
Tornarà... Perdo el camí
si no et puc sentir.
Trobarem dins la foscor, en mi...
Digue'm que no és massa tard:
podrem trobar en l'horitzó
un nou sol...
Pren el sentit, que et portarà;
que, sense por,
tot es pot fer realitat...
Porta'm lluny d'aquí!
Podrem trobar en l'horitzó
el no ressò!
Pren-ne el sentit, no tinguis por:
sempre endavant!
Que res no et pugui aturar!
Porta'm lluny d'aquí...
Potser som més a prop del final...
Lluny de tot, he sentit el teu nom...
Digue'm que no és massa tard:
podrem trobar en l'horitzó
un nou sol...
Pren el sentit, que et portarà;
que, sense por,
tot es pot fer realitat...
Porta'm lluny d'aquí!
Podrem trobar en l'horitzó
el no ressò!
Pren-ne el sentit, no tinguis por:
sempre endavant!
Que res no et pugui aturar!
Porta'm lluny d'aquí...
Porta'm lluny , amic...

Far Away From Here

I feel lonely in the night;
I have lost...
I've felt myself (become) part of everything;
I've believed...
You'll return if I feel lonely,
If I cannot hear you.
Amidst the darkness, we'll find the path...
Tell me that it isn't already too late:
We'll be able to find in the horizon
The new sun...
Take the meaning, for it will carry you;
For, without fear,
Everything can become real...
Take me far away from here!
To forget what we are,
Go back inside me...
Hear the voice... Restlessness
In the night...
It will come back... I lose my way
If I cannot hear you.
We'll be able to find amidst the darkness, in me...
Tell me that it isn't already too late:
We'll be able to find in the horizon
A new sun...
Take the meaning, for it will carry you;
For, without fear,
Everything can become real...
Take me far away from here!
In the horizon we'll be able to find
A void of sound!
Take its meaning, don't be afraid:
Keep moving forward!
Don't let anything stop you!
Take me far away from here...
Maybe we're closer to the end...
Far from everything, I have heard your name...
Tell me that it isn't already too late:
We'll be able to find in the horizon
The new sun...
Take the meaning, for it will carry you;
For, without fear,
Everything can become real...
Take me far away from here!
In the horizon we'll be able to find
A void of sound!
Take its meaning, don't be afraid:
Keep moving forward!
Don't let anything stop you!
Take me far away from here...
Take me far away, my friend...