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The Last Song of The World

How do you survive a life of fashion
And empty conversations without an end
Try to convince me how
When you shout my name
It serves no purpose to use reason
I've sometimes believed I wasn't up to par
To take what can be lost
Time doesn't make space for indifference
You said it, you were always repeating it
I wrote you
The last song of the world
Even if you're not there
You'll hear it playing in the background
Like a beautiful gift
Like the smile of a child
Like the trail of an airplane
Like the seas and their reefs
Like the trees and their circles
Like us and our mistakes
How are we going to feel tomorrow
Maybe tired, a little more human
Giving proper weight to the word "love"
I've confused fear with change
It doesn't scare me anymore, I won't run away anymore
I try and try again, but I swear to you I don't understand
Have I surrendered or have you
I wrote you
The last song of the world
Even if you're not there
You'll hear it playing in the background
Like a beautiful gift
Like the smile of a child
Like the trail of an airplane
Like the seas and their reefs
Like us and our mistakes
Like the trees and their circles
Like humans and their bodies
Like the promises of our time
Like the promises of our time
Apologizing is difficult
For two people like us
Who don't know how to lose
Like the seas and their reefs
Like the trees and their circles
Like us and our mistakes
Paroles originales

L'ultima canzone del mondo

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (italien)

Chiara Galiazzo: Top 3