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  • Nena (Germany)

    Mondsong → traduction en anglais

  • 2 traductions
    anglais #1, #2
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Moon Song

They came shooting out of the sky
These people from Earth
They looked almost just like us
Only they spoke differently than the people here
Everything went way too fast
That's why you couldn't see us at all
We didn't want to shock you either
But we're hoping for a reunion
Here with us on the moon is a car
And the keys are also still inside
They just came by for no reason, then away again
And nobody knew where to
Just come by again
And pick your old car up
We'd have a lot to tell you
How to do this and that even better
From up here it's looking pretty bad
The things you are doing and that nothing remains
Run towards the sun
Good luck and don't lose any time
Here with us on the moon is a car
And the keys are also still inside
They just came by for no reason, then away again
And nobody knew where to
Here with us on the moon is a car
And the keys are also still inside
They just came by for no reason, then away again
And nobody knew where to
Paroles originales


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