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The only thing you miss

You say you can’t make any sense
and you lay doggo in your pithole.
You don’t laugh and you’re constantly nagging
I can tell you’re bleeding dry
I can bode your nightmares,
I know how to protect you.
I’m traveling through the night
and kiss you on the sly.
The only thing you miss
is the one you love,
but the door has already opened
and you’re still knocking.
The only thing you miss
is the one you love,
but the door has already opened
and you’re still knocking.
You call me on the phone,
you don’t step out of your house anymore,
you’re benumbing and dying away
in an empty world.
Listen, pal, I’m freaking out myself
but I’m scaring my fears away,
I’m rehearsing my role again,
I don’t feel nostalgia for anything
The only thing you miss
is the one you love,
but the door has already opened
and you’re still knocking.
The only thing you miss
is the one you love,
but the door has already opened
and you’re still knocking.
Paroles originales

Το μόνο που σου λείπει

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