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  • PMMP

    Mummola → traduction en anglais

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Grandma's place

When you're selfish and childlike,
and a nervous, stupid woman
When you hit the wall with your head and two hands
Hey stupid, you have an inner trauma, *
you whine more than a pack of children,
and you stop breathing when you're mad
During those times you're my reflection, **
and I'm your reflection
During those times you are my
shitheaded best friend
Let's pedal, let's pedal
to see the cats
Even if grandma's place
hasn't existed for years
Time took it from us,
grandma's home's childhood
But nothing can make us
grow older
If you were courteous, well-mannered,
if you were less annoying,
or a relative of Mother Teresa
If all your words were flower bushes
that were used to wipe away the world's pain with,
If your favorite colour wasn't black
You'd just be a stranger among others and not yourself,
if so, I'd be left alone, sharpening my blade
Let's pedal, let's pedal
to see the cats
Even if grandma's place
hasn't existed for years
Time took it from us,
grandma's home's childhood
But nothing can make us
grow older
The ride has been relatively unstable
and in reply to that I could comment:
"whatever, whatever!"
Whatever, whatever...
Let's still keep pedaling
to see the cats
Even if grandma's place
hasn't existed for years
Time took it from us,
grandma's home's childhood
But nothing can make us
grow older
I don't know what would the price for a stabler ride be,
but it's my own fault,
so I say "whatever, whatever"
Whatever, whatever
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