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  • Mart'nália

    Não Encontro Quem Me Queira → traduction en anglais

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I Can't Find Anyone That Wants Me

I can't find anyone that wants me
I haven't got tired of looking
I always think I'm almost finding it
I live like that
Those who look at me get a smile in return
People even think I'm vulgar
But they don't know all I'm looking
Is a smile of these eyes
And deep within, what I want
Is a reason to dream
If I'm not in heaven
I'm very close to it
For me, every adventure
Takes as much as it takes
An eternity
Or maybe a second
Luck will decide
But if it isn't for death
It's not the end of the world
Time comes and heals
What there is to be healed
I can't find anyone that wants me
I haven't got tired of looking
I always think I'm almost finding it
I live like that
Those who look at me get a smile in return
People even think I'm vulgar
But they don't know all I'm looking
Is a smile of these eyes
And deep within, what I want
Is a reason to dream
If I'm not in heaven
I'm very close to it
For me, every adventure
Takes as much as it takes
An eternity
Or maybe a second
Luck will decide
But if it isn't for death
It's not the end of the world
Time comes and heals
What there is to be healed
But if it isn't death
That puts you apart
It's not the end of the world
You can wait
Time comes and heals
What there is to be healed
What there is to be healed
But if it isn't death
That puts you apart
It's not the end of the world
You can wait
Time comes and heals
What there is to be healed
What there is to be healed
But if it was my samba
That made you dream
It's not the end of the world
You can wait
Luck comes and heals
What there is to be healed
What there is to be healed
But if it was my samba
That made you samba
It's not the end of the world
You can wait
Luck comes and heals
What there is to be healed
What there is to be healed
Paroles originales

Não Encontro Quem Me Queira

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