La Russie a lancé une guerre honteuse contre l’Ukraine.     Soutenez l’Ukraine !
  • Luxuslärm

    Nichts zu verlieren → traduction en anglais

Taille de la police
Permuter les langues

Nothing to lose

History does not write itself
So listen to me
You and I, we are part of something big
There's a lot of work to be done
And the stakes are high
Together we're giants
And we have one goal
A spark turns into a fire
And we can't control it
It travels around the world
Every continent shines in bright lights
We're losing ourselves in the sensation
The waves take us with them
You and me
A sea of a thousand voices
The firework lights up the night
We're going from start to finish
Paroles originales

Nichts zu verlieren

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Expressions idiomatiques dans « Nichts zu verlieren »