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I won't call you ever again

I won't call you ever again
This was the last time I'll call you
I won't even stop my car
If you stand in my way
I won't call you ever again
And I know that that is my own fault
There were many things I should have understood
And I'll remembered that as long as I live
I won't call you ever again
But I'm not crazy and I'm not angry
I simply won't call you ever again
This was the last time I'll call you
"I can't anymore, because the nights
Last too long", you say
Even thunder thunders less
When you say you won't come
Ever again, ever again, no
I won't call you ever again
This was the last time I'll call you
I won't even stop my car
If you stand in my way
I won't call you ever again
And I know that that is my own fault
There were many things I should have understood
And I'll remembered that as long as I live
"I can't anymore, because the nights
Last too long", you say
Even thunder thunders less
When you say you won't come
Ever again, ever again, no
I won't call you ever again
"I can't anymore, because the nights
Last too long", you say
Even thunder thunders less
When you say you won't come
"I can't anymore, because the nights
Last too long", you say
Even thunder thunders less
When you say you won't come
Ever again, ever again, no
I won't call you ever again
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