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  • Ximena Sariñana

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I'm Not Coming Back

It's lost its meaning for me, to keep searching
For the piece that was left misplaced
Because I know if I find it, I won't be able to keep quiet
And you'll know that I'm afraid of feeling whole.
If I find out I don't feel
That passion abandoned me
I never knew how to use reason
I'm a passing attraction
Tomorrow they'll forget me
And the story will go on...
Give me a moment, give me a spot
I know that if I go, I go, I go, I go
I'm not coming back
Give me a feeling, make me special
I know that if I go, I go, I go, I go
I'm not coming back
And maybe you'll remember.
They say the life of a man who has company
Is remembered more than the man who is solitary.
But if I stop feeling lost
And happiness arrives
I know I couldn't stand it
Only geniuses remain
Tomorrow you'll forget me
And the story will go on...
Give me a moment, give me a spot
I know that if I go, I go, I go, I go
I'm not coming back
Give me a feeling, make me special
I know that if I go, I go, I go, I go
I'm not coming back
I know that if I go, I go, I go, I go
I'm not coming back
And maybe you'll remember.
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