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  • Miyagi & Andy Panda (Endspiel)

    Нутро → traduction en anglais

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Sha-share guts, ta-take a piece
This music is a kind, pushing juice away
Trips and dreams blowed with me and wind
City pea-souper*, we forgot this all
Sha-share guts, ta-take a piece
This music is a kind, pushing juice away
Trips and dreams blowed with me and wind
City pea-souper, we forgot this all
How happens this to me and kitties
While you pushed away I put, smoked, put.
I fell into eternal dregs, but I didn't take a rest
Because hate will make remember how you're far
Through unknown to you villages, fools and parties
Narcos and the traders, someone is far
This was told to you
But doctors said and letters cried to us
Blow... indicating at fortuna
Children are happy and fools are suffering**
Mountains of love, mama of my love
Son loves you and know that you too
We're living hits, though I just put words in bits
I knew for sure it's going to fly as taizi***
Be graceful, do not leave others naked
Lit the fire in and blow the candlelights
Sha-share guts, ta-take a piece
This music is a kind, pushing juice away
Trips and dreams blowed with me and wind
City pea-souper, we forgot this all
Sha-share guts, ta-take a piece
This music is a kind, pushing juice away
Trips and dreams blowed with me and wind
City pea-souper, we forgot this all
Modern tidal wave took all beneath ions
We danced till the dusk, feed the soul
Don't bleed, fighting states and men and cities
Djadjadja**** down, marijuana
My lady for a poem
Tune me up*****
We were changing own ways eternally
After cries we covered webs of barricades
Feels are touching sky, it is love, it is down
This is dream drove me
This is dream drove me
This is dream drove me
This is dream drove me
Sha-share guts, ta-take a piece
This music is a kind, pushing juice away
Trips and dreams blowed with me and wind
City pea-souper, we forgot this all
Sha-share guts, ta-take a piece
This music is a kind, pushing juice away
Trips and dreams blowed with me and wind
City pea-souper, we forgot this all
Paroles originales


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Miyagi & Andy Panda (Endspiel): Top 3
Expressions idiomatiques dans « Нутро »