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  • Jaime Roos

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Forgetting the goodbye

I don't care to know where you go
your days don't matter
what I want is one more hour
with the soul lit
Since that fleeting glance
from that lost bar
I didn't even try to explain
what I feel with you
How time passes
when I'm with you
so many beautiful moments
forgetting the goodbye
What's the use of your name or your age
or your old worries
my wish is to hear you come
when I expect it less
Suddenly I wish to say
what I live tonight
but I know it's better this way
without words that disturb
How time passes
when I'm with you
so many beautiful moments
forgetting the goodbye
I don't care if after today
I don't care for the memory
what I want is to sleep better
tangling your hair
And if you say that you won't return
it will be a terrible dream
and it will be the happiest awakening
because I know it's impossible
How time passes
when I'm with you
so many beautiful moments
forgetting the goodbye
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