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  • Karl-Erik Taukar

    Ookean → traduction en anglais

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I'm spinning around
in your web
pull me
finally ashore
give yourself
a little more
before (I’m)
drifting far
is it then a yes
or silent no
it's time to give answers
afraid of drowning in your bottomlessness
and can’t let go yet of the shore
feet in the water
head in the clouds
looking for your voice
in the silence of the wind
once you say yes
and then again no
it's time to make decisions
afraid of drowning in your bottomlessness
and can’t let go yet of the shore
I've been for too long neck deep in the water
and waited for too long for the clear sky in me
you’re just like the ocean
afraid of drowning in your bottomlessness
on the whole planet probably
no one knows you
because you are hiding from the world
so i take those moments
as a discovery rect
which I do to the treasure island
Paroles originales


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Karl-Erik Taukar: Top 3
Expressions idiomatiques dans « Ookean »
CoreestiCoreesti    Dim, 23/01/2022 - 21:16

Suur suur aitäh! :) I have been waiting for this for a long time! :) Kui ilus! :)

   Dim, 30/01/2022 - 08:21

Thanks, this is a good translation. Just a few things:

Avastusretk = a journey of discovery
Tuulevaikus = calm, i.e. the absence of wind

   Lun, 31/01/2022 - 15:44

The third verse (lines 9-11) and the sixth verse (lines 20-22) have been corrected. Someone had switched parts of them around. Please review your translation.