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To have you I would pay,
one million even more.
Even the last Malboro I would give.
Oh, because you are
gold, gold, gold.
A diamond for a yes,
gold, gold, gold.
To have you like this:
spread out, pure. But you agree!
Why do you accept and agree?
And so you fall down,
I already don't want you anymore.
Inaccessible, you're not,
not with the gods.
You are without gods!
Gold, gold, gold.
How much gold would I give you!
Gold, gold, gold.
To have you like this:
spread out, pure. But you agree!
Why do you accept and agree?
Why don't you elevate yourself above us
and stay there, so heavenly.
I would want you to be immune to sex
because you would give yourself even now.
Oh, oh oh oh. Gold!
To have you I would pay,
one million even more.
Even the last Malboro I would give.
Oh, because you are
gold, gold, gold.
A diamond for a yes,
gold, gold, gold.
To have you like this:
spread out, pure. But you agree!
Why do you accept and agree?
Gold, gold, gold.
How much gold would I give you!
Gold, gold, gold.
To have you like this:
spread out, pure. But you agree!
Why do you accept and agree?
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
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Expressions idiomatiques dans « Oro »