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Dance my love

Who are they in these gardens?
Dance my love, dance my love
There are young boys and girls
Dance my love, dance my love
Go dance beautiful maiden
Dance my love, dance my love
You're a beauty to me
Dance my lov, dance my love
My skirts are swirling
Dance my love, dance my love
Let the roses and rosebuds bloom
Dance my love, dance my love
Ah ah, maiden you're my darling
Dance my love, dance my love
You're the one I love and call darling
Dance my love, dance my love
Paroles originales

Oyneng Yar

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (moyen turcique)

Irem2Irem2    Mar, 26/06/2012 - 18:31

Is this really sung in kazakh turkish? I didn't know that kazakh and Turkish were that similar! I understood the all thing when I paid close attention! Awesome song!

   Mar, 10/07/2012 - 10:43

This is a pretty old song, that's why they're so similar, the language hasn't aparted yet

inciskainciska    Mer, 26/09/2012 - 13:41

Sorry but this is NOT Kazakh for sure. This is Uighur/Uyghur.

deniz 1deniz 1    Ven, 12/04/2019 - 21:46

I'm sorry but this is a little bit wrong translation. Second one is the true one.