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  • Utada Hikaru

    Pink blood → traduction en anglais

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Pink Blood

Pink blood
Pink blood
Pink blood
Pink blood
Even if I don't show anyone,
what's beautiful is beautiful
I know that now
Even if I don't ask anyone,
what's beautiful is beautiful
I'm saying that now
The expressions of others, the atmosphere of a place, a superior novel
I've read them all thoroughly already
It's pointless being cared for by those
who don't know my worth
We should stop working hard
like it won't do any good for us
Even if I don't show anyone,
what's beautiful is beautiful
I know that now
Even if I don't ask anyone,
what's beautiful is beautiful
I'm saying that now
Even if hurt,
it's my habit to blame my own self
That's not cool, so I'll stop it
As I walk to your room,
so many tears fall on the floor
I can't stay as a child
who doesn't even know their own worth
I'm not afraid of losing
what fills the hole in my heart
Because I've realized
I'm the only one who can heal myself
Toss the dice and advance the number that appears
even on a path with no end in sight
Regret's just something you dress yourself in
until the day it changes into memories
Toss the dice and take a break once
Don't worry about those around you, it'll be OK
I can't just sit on a throne
It's gotta be a chair I've chosen myself
Paroles originales

Pink blood

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