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    Чорне Полум'я → traduction en anglais

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Black Flame

As the evildoer beats the kettledrums here,
Thunderbolts sing in rhythm there,
I will answer for my sinfulness, I will yield
As the first, I will take revenge.
In the black flame
All that isn't worthy of life
All that feigns truth and furthermore
Where there is betrayal
Hell is no obstacle for me
I'll go back to the edge, where my house remains.
Superstitions, curses, prophets
Won't alter my freedom
I am the ruler of my own life
Not he, not she, only I.
Superstitions, curses, prophets
Won't alter my destiny
I am the ruler of my own life
Not you, not they, only I.
I go merely barefoot across hot coals,
Yes I am an evil spirit myself
I can't wait for the moment
When I will punish everyone fairly.
Paroles originales

Чорне Полум'я

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (ukrainien)

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Lun, 25/04/2022 - 00:28

Well, not word to word, but very decent
My respect