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You call me at 5 in the morning
Only to see who's in my bed
I don't have time for your drama
Don't call me at 5 in the morning
Because I'm probably going dancing with my sister
You want to call and only when you feel like it
I want to dance tonight
I'm going to enjoy myself without being chastised
You get jealous
If you see me with others
I do what I want
I just enjoy it
You get jealous
If I dance with others
I'm not theirs
Nor yours either
I know you're keeping a jealous eye on me
And I see you
And you're looking at me
And I shake
You get jealous
If I dance with others
I do what I want
I just enjoy it
I make him
rompompompom (I make him)
You want to
I make him
rompompompom (I make him)
You want to
I don't need you to buy me drinks
You're intense, you're coming on a little strong 1
You have money but I work too
I don't ask, If I want it, I do it
I know you want to taste my skin
I'm not like that, you know well
I've told you more than once
That I'm not going to fall down
You get jealous
If you see me with others
I do what I want
I just enjoy it
You get jealous
If I dance with others
I'm not theirs
Nor yours either
I know you're keeping a jealous eye on me
And I see you
And you're looking at me
And I shake
You get jealous
If I dance with others
I do what I want
I just enjoy it
For me two drinks
Is to much
I work too
I don't ask
If I want it, I do it
You get jealous
If you see me with others
I do what I want
I just enjoy it
You get jealous
If I dance with others
I'm not theirs
Nor yours either
I know you're keeping a jealous eye on me
And I see you
And you're looking at me
And I shake
You get jealous
If I dance with others
I do what I want
I just enjoy it
I make him
rompompompom (I make him)
You want to
I make him
rompompompom (I make him)
You want to
You call me at 5 in the morning
Only to see who's in my bed
I don't have time for your drama
Don't call me at 5 in the morning
  • 1. Literally: you're doing too much, but in English this is probably more likely to be said in this context.
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   Lun, 20/08/2018 - 11:07

Did you forgot to translate
Tienes dinero pero yo también trabajo
yo no pregunto, si lo quiero yo lo hago

   Lun, 20/08/2018 - 11:54

Hey, I didn't, but when I was adding the notes I I wrote \fn instead of /fn.
It should be visible now? Can you tell me if you see it?

   Lun, 20/08/2018 - 11:13

5/1_Sé que me celas > I know you jealous't it)

   Lun, 20/08/2018 - 11:57

Ah! Thank you! Yes I translated this incorrectly.
I checked a better source and the translation is more "To watch somebody jealously" so in English we would say "to keep a jealous eye on somebody."

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. It's been updated. :)