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  • Les sœurs Boulay

    La mort des étoiles → traduction en anglais

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The Death of the Stars

If it's all over, if there's no more hope
And we must join the ranks
To make ends meet, without squeezing too hard
The noose of the slip knot
And if nothing else than the shine of the bodies matter
And the weight of what it costs
Can somebody please, do something
To switch the current
So beautiful a world
In the end, who will linger
And if everything falls
Who will get up again
To look up at the stars
I'd rather not have to sell
My virtue to the highest bidder
If need be I'll go, and give away my skin
Give myself away, so one could taste me
But please, can somebody do something
To switch the current
So beautiful a world
In the end, who will linger
And if everything falls
Who will get up again
To look up at the stars
And if everything is for sale, even the gestures
If eyes are point blank
The beauty of the bodies, or what remains of them
Will lose its value bit by bit
So please someone, do something
To switch the current
So beautiful a world
In the end, who will linger
And if everything falls
Who will get up again
To look up at the stars
Paroles originales

La mort des étoiles

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