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    Visszhang (You and I) → traduction en anglais

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Echo (You and I)

You and I
You and I
I hear the echo of our steps in rythm
Marching, never in the same direction
We're going forward but what are we chasing?
A shadow flies over our footsteps
All the memories whisper and give us chase
I would run far from you, tell me where to?
We lose ourselves, we hope for each other
We get lost somewhere
One day, we'll find each other again, above and beyond
In my dreams, in my dreams
In my heart, in my mind
I see you and I, there is you and I
I hear the echo of our steps in rythm
Marching, never in the same direction
We're going forward but what are we chasing?
We lose ourselves, we hope for each other
We get lost somewhere
One day, we'll find each other again, above and beyond
In my dreams, in my dreams
In my heart, in my mind
I see you and I, there is you and I
There is you and I
There is you and I
I can hear your voice is far in the distance
Maybe tomorrow a new adventure awaits
Where could I go without you?
We lose ourselves, we hope for each other
We get lost somewhere
One day, we'll find each other again, above and beyond
In my dreams, in my dreams
In my heart, in my mind
I see you and I, there is you and I
Paroles originales

Visszhang (You and I)

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (anglais, français, hongrois)

Expressions idiomatiques dans « Visszhang (You and ... »
   Mar, 16/03/2021 - 12:36

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