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It was like not even a day has never passed since then

I have seen you, dressed in black
in Mavili Square, some minutes before four o'clock
you were going around with a freak
eating sandwiches with blank eyes
I was waiting behind a bus station
You know I was afraid that you'll see me
And even your sleepless color was pale,
My God you were glowing with a magical light
I felt you all inside me everywhere in my being
It was like not even a day has never passed since then,
that day you said me the farewell
It was like not even a day has never passed since then
(simple repetition)
I saw you holding his hand tight
but it seemed to me that you were searching something to hold on
Then I remembered the time you were showing me a star
And you wanted me to bring it down to you if I could
But you know I have tried hard, you know that,
to bring it close to you, so you can touch it
but you were so much scared from the star's light and dust
and you ran away quickly to hide
I was waiting behind a bus station
It was like not even a day has never passed since then
I threw my cigarette, last take in the film
My God you were glowing with a magical light
I felt you all inside me everywhere in my being
It was like not even a day has never passed since then
and I saw your returning light
It was like not even a day has never passed since then
Ta Ra ta ta ta ta...
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