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  • Batuhan Kordel

    Sıcak şarap → traduction en anglais

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Hot Wine

oh, your beautiful eyes
make me dizzy
please don't care about this haste of mine
while I'm watching you
hold my hand and let's go
there is no peace in this city
let's drink hot wine
after all, we have so much time
I can't stand, my dreams are too heavy
help me, whomever I talk to is deaf
I can't stand, my dreams are too heavy
help me, whomever I talk to is deaf
are you aware of what did you make me write?
you're special and you're mine, this is my biggest luck
people talk but I don't hear them at all
my mind is always on you, i cannot resist it
I can't stand, my dreams are too heavy
help me, whomever I talk to is deaf
I can't stand, my dreams are too heavy
help me, whomever I talk to is deaf
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Sıcak şarap

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