La Russie a lancé une guerre honteuse contre l’Ukraine.     Soutenez l’Ukraine !
  • Fabrizio Moro

    Soluzioni → traduction en anglais

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How can I wake up in the morning and be trustful?
How can I switch off the pain of an old burning wound?
Where can I found the strenght to get up after a fall?
How can I love my father if I never met him?
How can I explain something to someone if I don't know who I am
How can I recognize the bad one and good one?
We're losing losing losing losing ourselves in small talks
We're losing losing losing losing ourselves in small talks
How can I find the way if I'm already lost in the wood
How can I feel comfortable with strangers
What kind of value am I giving to the future If I'm late
How can a man's past be within his eyes
I need solutions solutions for the things I don't know
Solutions solutions solutions
Solutions solutions for everything I don't have
To breath, to sink
I'll answer, will anyone answer to all my pain
How can I be careless if someone insult me
It's a coward who attack first or who defend itself?
Where can I find 100 euros every morning without working too hard
How can i say "I love you" when all I want to say is "Fuck off"
I need solutions solutions for the things I don't know
Solutions solutions solutions
Solutions solutions for everything I don't have
To breath, to sink
I'll answer, will anyone answer to all my pain
To breath, to sink
I'll answer, will anyone answer to all my pain
We're losing losing losing losing ourselves in small talks
We're losing losing losing losing ourselves in small talks
I need solutions solutions for the things I don't know
Solutions solutions solutions
Solutions ...
Paroles originales


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Expressions idiomatiques dans « Soluzioni »