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  • Vaiko Eplik

    Sylvester otsustab surra → traduction en anglais

  • 2 traductions
    anglais #1, #2
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Sylvester decides to die

The world doesn't feel your pain.
Your suffering is foreign to him.
The world doesn't say it's sorry.
In the end it wins anyway.
If you feel like you can't take it anymore -
That you're not able to cross all of the obstacles in your way.
If you feel like you want to die.
Just a little more, oh Sylvester,
A little more.
The world doesn't stand your tears.
He only breaks you from the outside and from the inside.
The world never kneels.
Only thing he's afraid of is a guy like you.
If you feel like you don't know how anymore.
And you feel like your strong spirit is breaking apart.
If you feel like you can't take it anymore
A little more, oh Sylvester
A little more
Your muscles save us again.
What on Earth would we do without you?
It's so good to know that's you're coming
So good to know that you're on your way, yeaa
When somewhere there's a lady wriggling in chains
Or a bomb exploding in some tunnel.
It's so good to know that she'll make it.
So good to know that there is still hope.
There's still hope, yeaa
Paroles originales

Sylvester otsustab surra

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