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We Still Sing

We still sing, we still demand
We still dream, we are still waiting
in spite of
the ingenuity of hatred
and the blows it dealt our lives,
that sent our loved ones
into the exile of oblivion
We still sing about, we still demand
We still dream, we are still waiting
for them to tell us where
they hid the flowers
that scented the streets
in pursuit of a certain fate
Where have they gone?
We still sing, we still demand
We still dream, we are still waiting
for them to give us the hope
of knowing that it is possible
for the laughter and song
of the ones we love so
to light up our garden again
We still sing, we still demand
We still dream, we are still waiting
For a brand new day
without pressure and fasting
without fear, without tears
waiting for our loved ones
to come back home
We still sing, we still demand
We still dream, we are still waiting
Paroles originales

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