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The snow is falling

The snow is falling
You won't come tonight
The snow is falling
And my heart is dressed in black
This silky procession
All in white tears
The bird on the branch
Mourns the magic
You won't come tonight
My desperation cries out to me
But the snow is falling
Imperturbable carrousel
The snow is falling
You won't come tonight
The snow is falling
All is white with desperation
Sad certainty
The cold and the absence
This hateful silence
White loneliness
You won't come tonight
My desperation cries out to me
But the snow is falling
Imperturbable carrousel
Paroles originales

Tombe la neige

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (français)

Salvatore Adamo: Top 3
Ary C.Ary C.    Dim, 07/02/2021 - 19:46

This translation is not totally accurate. Since it appears that the author is no longer around to address the errors/inaccuracies, and otherwise I felt that I could improve on it, I prepared my own.

Dr_IgorDr_Igor    Mer, 21/04/2021 - 13:46

Let me explain something to you, Ary C.
IMHO, on this site when you add a review that has less than 5 stars it is traditionally a sign of a very bad translation, broken language,
ridiculous distortions, stuff like that. Nothing of the kind is present in the translation that you effectively trashed. Doing that when the author
is not around to respond to your review is a bad form. Using your review as a plug for your own translation is a really bad form.
And everybody sees that the translation you trashed has 401 thanks and yours has how many?

Ary C.Ary C.    Mar, 11/05/2021 - 14:44

Igor, wanted to add:

1. You focused on form (stars) over substance (explanation). I was very careful to explain my rating, to say that the translation is "not totally accurate." That's a very light criticism, in fact the lightest I would ever give. So I had no intent to, and in fact did not, "trash" this translation.

2. Regarding your pejorative comment about the number of "thanks" each translation has received. In fact, the last thanks given to the above translation was 19 months ago. My translation is only 3 months old, and I have received 2 thanks.

3. Regarding your comment: "Using your review as a plug for your own translation is a really bad form." As you said above, "let me explain". Unlike you, I am not 'in the business' (hobby) of translating songs, and only translate where I feel it is needed, and so I am not looking to "plug" my translations per se. What happens is that when I really like a song, especially if it's an important song in music (like this one surely is), I feel that it's not doing the song (and the public) full justice to not have an error-free translation posted. And if the original author is not around to correct his/her translation, I am not going to take the time to list and explain the errors in the translation in a comment like I did for you, when I can just use that time to prepare a translation which not only fixes the error but which I can then make more accurate overall (and the resulting product can be read as one unified work, as opposed to having to look both at a translation and corrective comments below). And if take the trouble of doing this, so then yes, I try to point it out to people, if not, what's the point.

But that's my approach. You are entitled to have another, but it does not necessarily give you the right to attack mine, especially in such a strong way. Anyway, again, God bless you, my brother.

Ary C.Ary C.    Lun, 10/05/2021 - 05:25

Igor, my brother, if you want to give a lesson to someone (i.e., "Let me explain something to you"), I suggest that you to do it with solid facts, not "humble opinions" and innuendos. And next time, before attacking someone in public, especially with dubious claims, perhaps try contacting the person in private first, given that I, for one, am "around."

You say:
"IMHO, on this site when you add a review that has less than 5 stars it is traditionally a sign of a very bad translation, broken language, ridiculous distortions, stuff like that."

This is the first time I hear of this. As a relative newcomer, all I have had to go by are the instructions from Lyricstranslate, which describe a 3-star rating as follows:
"3 - so-so. There are some errors, author should improve."

In fact, the above translation has at least "some" errors (too many for a song this short and repetitive), and I would have expected the author to "improve" it if she were around. And I don't see how following the exact instructions of LT and pointing out that a translation has some errors constitute "trashing" this translation. I suggest you take it up with LT.

In addition, you say: "less than 5 stars it is traditionally a sign of a very bad translation, ridiculous distortions." This is illogical, seems even absurd--the equivalent of saying that if somebody did not flunk/get an F on a test, then he should automatically get an A. How is the reader of a translation supposed to know if he/she is reading an A or B, as opposed to a mediocre C or D, translation? If I were relying on a translation to be accurate, I for one would surely want to know. And according to your proposed system of grading, what would the incentive be for a translator to do the best job possible? Lastly, why should a translator who might have done an A translation be bunched together with others who might have done a B, C and D translation? Terrible logic, "IMHO."

But sadly, you lose all credibility when you finally say:
"And everybody sees that the translation you trashed has 401 thanks and yours has how many?"
No, "everybody sees" that the translation has 401 thanks just by virtue of being the only translation around for 10 years. So now you have devolved into being gratuitously insulting, instead of constructive.

Lastly, and perhaps of greatest concern, is that your knowledge of French seems so poor that apparently you can't even distinguish for yourself between a decent translation and an excellent one, and your only option is apparently to resort to relying on the number of "thanks" each translation has received, even when it's obvious that one of the translations precedes the other by a decade.

Not sure what I did to strike a nerve. But when all is said and done, perhaps and hopefully you meant well. So God bless you, my brother.


P.S. Since I doubt you were able to pick up on the errors in this translation, here they are:

1. "Et mon cœur s'habille de noir" is translated as "And my heart is dressed in black".
Comment: wrong tense; the proper translation is "And my heart is dressing in black."

2. "Pleure le sortilège" is translated as "Mourns the magic."
Comment: the proper translation of these two words is "Laments the spell"--there is a difference.

3. "Me crie mon désespoir" is translated as "My desperation cries out to me."
Comment: erroneous translation; the correct translation is "My despair cries out to me." (error is repeated, as the verse is repeated)

4. "Impassible manège" is translated as "Imperturbable carrousel".
Comment: erroneous translation; the correct translation is "Impassive carrousel." (error is repeated, as the verse is repeated)

5. "Tout est blanc de désespoir" is translated as "All is white with desperation."
Comment: again, erroneous translation; the correct translation is "All is white with despair."

I note that the song only has 14 original verses, and very short ones at that.